
Information about available software for BYOC Devices

What Software am I eligible for as a Staff or Student?
As a Staff or Student of Diamond Valley College, you will be eligible to download and install a vast amount of software from the DET eduSTAR Catalog. The ed...
Tue, 4 Dec, 2018 at 12:30 PM
Where can I download Software made available through the College?
The eduSTAR software catalog is where DET Staff and Students can access available freeware and DET licensed software application. This software covers most ...
Fri, 12 Oct, 2018 at 1:14 PM
How to obtain and register Microsoft Office using eduPass (Free)
Microsoft Office 365 is a cloud based offering by Microsoft that enables school staff and students to access software and to store and access documents at a...
Mon, 11 Feb, 2019 at 3:03 PM
Microsoft Teams
Microsoft Teams is a videoconferencing platform included as part of Microsoft Office. All students have access to this as part of the solutions provided by ...
Thu, 16 Apr, 2020 at 12:57 PM
Switching out of S Mode in Windows 10
Windows 10 in S mode is designed for security and performance, exclusively running apps from the Microsoft Store. As you will be required to install softwar...
Tue, 23 Apr, 2019 at 12:53 PM